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What kind of products should be used for the inner and outer finishes of log houses?

The exterior of the wooden house is composed with the round or square log and wooden elements such doors and windows frames, eventually doors and windows, railings, porch... Therefore, the finishing for outside should be adapted to exterior conditions and made for wood care. If not coloured, the wood needs at minimum to be protected from external attacks like sun UV, bad weather or season changes. You can rely on the care instructions and informative documentation to know what stain, oil or paint should be privileged and how often they have to be refreshed. The terraces and balconies flooring can be finished at the factory if desired. Inside, a wooden house can adopt traditional and modern appearances according to the finish choices. The interior can be decorated with wooden cladding, wooden ceiling panels and parquet, paint, stones, decorative panels or wallpaper on the walls. Tiles, laminate or carpet flooring can be used for the floor, and you can opt for stretched canvas, concrete or panels for the ceiling. Like any other type of house, you are free to decorate your interior with all the materials available in the design. Discover some options of interior finishing in our catalogue “Additional elements and accessories”.

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